Terms of Service/Use

By donating to SADOJ, you agree to the following terms:

Donating does not guarantee your spot in SADOJ, we reserve the right to punish you accordingly, including but not limited to banning you.

Refunds are NOT accepted, all purchasing are final.

If you leave SADOJ and join back, you may still acquire your donator role if not automatically given it via the Oauth bot, to do so please open a ticket.

If you wish to purchase donator items for your friend, please purchase on the website and open a support ticket to allow staff to transfer the items to the member.

All funds donated to SADOJ are used to improve the server and keep the server online, so any and all donations are appreciated to ensure the success of the server.

You can't use discount codes while purchasing Personal Car Access, if caught doing so you will not receive the key.

After purchasing a Personal Vehicle or Custom Livery, you have 24 Hours to open a Developer ticket. If you don't open it in the 24 Hours, you will lose access to it.

All purchases must be made through https://sanandreasdoj.net/ or a member of the ownership team.

Cookie Policy

We use our own and third-party cookies to personalize your experience. Read more about cookies.