5.0 / 5
Product: V2 Vehicle Access 5/5
“staff were wonderful helping me with a problem ...” — dawson.1999
Product: Personal Vehicle 5/5
“I have always loved SADOJ, having bought more than 20+ personals and tipping numerous times, and I always enjoy gameplay! Definitely recommend playing the server, and if you want extra vehicles purchase Donator V1 & V2!...” — dexterityvr
Product: Personal Vehicle 5/5
“ really quick and really easy...” — _notacid
Product: Personal Vehicle 5/5
“Great customer service...” — echo_01.
Product: Personal Vehicle 5/5
“Great response from Devs, I am happy that my chosen vehicle has been added. I just want to say that the entire SADOJ Staff team is great and I am grateful that my vehicle has been added to the wonderful server....” — maverick08858
Product: Personal Vehicle 5/5
“Vehicle was done and put in server very quickly and all issues taken care of as quick as possible. Definitely would buy it again ...” — gamerjohncz
Product: Personal Vehicle 5/5
“amazing staff and server sadly took 1-2 days for them to get to my ticket lol super excited for the car to get in game! still deserves 5 stars...” — chimpslikechips
Product: Personal Vehicle 5/5
“10 out of 10 must try again...” — luvjj
Product: Personal Vehicle 5/5
“Amazing Service. Took less than an hour. 10 out of 10 must try again...” — luvjj
Product: Personal Vehicle 5/5
Product: Personal Vehicle 5/5
“Shits fucking FIRREEEE ...” — gh34st
Product: Personal Vehicle 5/5
“Bought like everything, its all hype...” — primetio
Product: Personal Vehicle 5/5
“W server ...” — kotakeen
Product: Personal Vehicle 5/5
“This server is an awesome community with friendly and active staff members. The resources here within the server are awesome and the responses are fast! #SADOJONTOP...” — theo_smith
Product: Personal Vehicle 5/5
“Amazing people ;)...” — _brandond.
Product: Personal Vehicle 5/5
“SADOJ ROCKS! ...” — kklapp