5.0 / 5


Product: Donator Vehicle Access 5/5

“Do not regret this purchase one bit, all of the vehicle have their own amazing features....”fe4rr8444

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Product: Personal Vehicle 5/5

“Shits fucking FIRREEEE ...”gh34st

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Product: Personal Vehicle 5/5

“Bought like everything, its all hype...”primetio

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Product: Donator Vehicle Access 5/5

“so many good cars...”kcw112akaiden

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Product: SADOJ Tips 5/5

“It's cheap, and grants you access to people's personals that cost 4 times the SADOJ Tips. Nothing else to say, it's great....”cj0069

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Product: Personal Vehicle 5/5

“W server ...”kotakeen

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Product: Personal Vehicle 5/5

“This server is an awesome community with friendly and active staff members. The resources here within the server are awesome and the responses are fast! #SADOJONTOP...”theo_smith

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Product: Donator Vehicle Access 5/5


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Product: SADOJ Tips 5/5

“SADOJ Is one the best Fivem servers I have been in!...”callsignghostrider

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Product: Personal Vehicle 5/5

“Amazing people ;)...”_brandond.

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Product: Donator Vehicle Access 5/5

“Honestly, SADOJ is the best fivepd server in my opinion, but there is a lack of cool non-donator cars. I got the donator cars and I have to say they are AWESOME! There are cool cars, undercover cars, SWAT cars, and more that are very nice....”someoneinashadow

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Product: Personal Vehicle 5/5

“SADOJ ROCKS! ...”kklapp

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